Saturday, February 7, 2015

Smile For Health

Smiling not only makes you look more beautiful. However. also very good for your health.
What are the benefits of a smile for health?

Relieve stress

People who stress can be seen from his face, but with a smile could prevent a person look tired and exhausted. If you are stressed, try to take the time to smile, because it can reduce stress thus better able to take action.

Lift mood

Smiling is one way to reduce the suffering caused by conditions that offend. Mentioned, forced to smile even when we do not feel like doing it, is enough to lift the mood.


One study examined men who approach women in a bar. When a woman to make eye contact with a guy, chances are he will approach 20 percent. However, when the same woman smiles, it is likely to increase to 60 percent.

Make you look young

We will probably live longer if diligent smiling. A study of images taken from a baseball player in 1952 showed those who smiles live longer on average seven years than their counterparts who did not smile.

Increasing confidence

In one study, participants reported ten percent more likely to trust others when they smile.

Good for our immunity

Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When someone smiles then increased immune function that makes a person feel more relaxed and free from diseases such as flu and colds.

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